Good Morning, a friend of mine once said to me that in everything that she does she always gives 100%.... and that had me thinking.... do
I do that ??? Mmmmm - do I give 100% (or does anyone give 100%) in say doing the washing or other equally exciting (haha) housework activities.. no I would have to say that - in doing these
fun things on auto-pilot I guess I don't give them 100%!!!
Do You???
Boring activities aside - do your hobbies count when putting in 100%?? I hope so because so many of you - very talented and creative people out there in blog land appear to me as though you give more than 100% - and that is amazing!!!
I organised some of my Jewellery the other day and then had to take some photos to share with you. I think - and please tell me if you feel otherwise - that I have given my 100% in my beading addiction I mean my beading hobby!! (Now please don't get me wrong I am not sharing these to show off - I am just... well... sharing .....)
Admittedly, I had made some of these earrings to sell and there was left-overs, when I added my own earrings to this collection it was a bit scary!! It's amazing how many earrings a utensil holder can actually hold! Now onto the bracelets....

Who said you needed to use a wine rack to hold wine?? I grouped the bracelets roughly in their colourgroups or their style whichever I was happy with and (shhh I am not going to tell you how many their are...) but I will say I have worn every one of them at least once.. that is at least!!!
I have not hung all of my beaded necklaces - because as well as the beaded ones, I also have a few (yeah I said a
few) pendants on chains as well.
My friend did say to give 100%!! Got that covered!!
Do you give 100% in all you do?? There's your thought for the day....
Shell xox