I have had requests lately for some small gifts. Here is something we all use and it can easily be made to suit anyone.
The ever useful post-it notes. This design opens to the side and has a pen holder incorporated in the spine. It can be made to any size and embellished to suit the recipient. These ones hold 7.5 cm notes.
These ones take 12.5 x 7.5 cm notes.
These ones are for the guys. For the shed or workshop. Embellished with cogs, cracked clocks and metal.
No more excuses for missing messages.
The same design has been used here to cover an A6 sized notepad. This one has an added panel which has been run through an inked embossing folder.
Yet another design. This one is matchbook style and holds a 7.5 cm note pad.
A few ideas and a little inspiration.
Decorate your desk.
Until next time - Keep Happy crafting
These items are available for purchase in our online store
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